Sunday, October 24, 2010

Do you know me? ARE you me? After 36 years with one organization, I lost my job. Now, at 58 years old, I have spent the last three years and everything I have to find a new job and anew career. This blog is about my journey.

This is not a story with a happy ending...yet. I chose to write while still in the fog that has enveloped my journey.

The heart of the story is about how I met an unusual character who goes by the name Buck. He and I come from different worlds. Before losing my job, I would probably not have spoken to Buck, let alone become his friend. I'll ell you more about Buck and me as the story unfolds.

I hope to accomplish 3 things with this blog:

  1. Vent
  2. Encourage you
  3. Make money and find a job
If you are like me (and I know I am!), believe me, we need each other. We are all in this together: Democrats, Republicans and Don't-give-a-craps; Male and Female; Fat and Skinny; Hopeful and Hopeless. We've all been "bucked."

So, read on and share your comments.

Today's Buckology:  Nothing will ever be the the sooner you learn to "Just say Buck it!" the better.

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